After all of the trouble...FINALLY!
So I have had quite a bit of trouble with Olivia's "doctor". I did doctor in quotation marks because she seems to see a different one every time we go, which means that no one tracks her care. So I went to another appointment about 2 months ago and refused to leave the office until the doctor gave me a refferal to an ENT doctor for the 12 ear infections she has had since she was born! So I got the refferal, got the tubes, got the speech therapy, and was about to switch her to an off post peds office when....I took her to the doctor's today for a fever and the lady at the desk told me that I needed to check in at the peds desk. I told her that no, unfortunately, I am in the Family Practice Clinic and am supposed to check in here. She said that "someone", probably her ENT doctor after many threats, switched her to the peds clinic! I met with her regular doctor and she was great. She actually wanted to know about her past medical history! She was concerned about her fever and she wanted me to call her with the medication she was on. Crazy right? After all of the trouble we have gone through, someone finally got the right idea! I'm so excited!
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