Grumpy Gills....
Olivia has been in a funky mood today. She went to bed at 7pm last night and did not wake up until 8:15am, which for two year olds is nearly unheard of. I should have known then that something was up. So by 11am she was an absolute mess of tears, whining, and only eating the hot dogs out of her lunch. I knew it was naptime, which I really did not expect to come until at least 1pm, when she laid on the floor while I was online in the office. So I laid her down for a nap expecting some sort of fight about naptime. She slept for two hours! She woke up in a better mood than when she went down so i figured it would be a better afternoon. Wow, was I wrong... I realized by 3pm that she wasn't feeling well, what a bad mommy I am, there is a reason they do not remember these years. I thought I was only one with a stomach bug, but apparently not. The whole family officially has it, even though mine has been going on since Monday. I just thought I was the only one who picked it up with being prego and all. Hopefully we will all feel better sooner than later, although I am secretly hoping that my hsuband has it for 5 days like I have had to suffer with :)
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