Morning sunshine...
Well Olivia felt that she did not need much sleep last night. I have had a really tough time over the past few months of getting her to sleep through the night. I am not sure why she thinks that two or three or even four am is a good time to wake up. This is not a normal wake up groggy and go back to sleep...she is WIDE awake.
So last night after battling bedtime for a few hours, she finally fell asleep at 11pm. Then she woke up at 5:36 to be exact and then for the last time at 7:00. So by about 9:30 am she was a whining, crying, tantrum throwing, miserable two year old. I put her down for a nap at 10:00 and battled for 25-30 minutes and finally won! She is now sleeping peacefully and I hope it stays this way for at least two hours.
I have to get her on a schedule of sleep means sleep and do not get out of that bed. I am not really sure if this is a realistic schedule for a two year old, but I will try. Especially since we have another baby coming and mommy needs all of the sleep she can get before two hour wake ups begin. Here is to hoping...
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